Monday, August 31, 2009

September Goals

I wrote this as part of my August week 4 recap:

Looking forward into September, I'm struck by a few emotions that have reigned the past few days weeks. I've been overwhelmed. I've felt out of control; in general, with my life, my marriage, my kids, my days seem to drag together and run into one big pile of nothing. I've been feeling lonely. I haven't been fostering any relationships. I've let old ones die, I've let new ones die. And then I turn around and complain. Its really no bueno.
I'm still feeling this way at least a little bit, some of it has passed. But for the most part, I feel like a short order overhaul is necessary. When I think about my life, in general, I'm pretty stressed out. I have more stressed days than I do easy-going days. I have more days where I feel like my kids are out of control, more days that I feel like I'm out of control with my eating, more days that my to-do list is out of control and untouched.

I guess that's enough ranting. I'll get to the solutions that I have.

Kids not listening

Work on more logical consequences. Follow through. Follow through. Follow through.


Relationship with Ian

Work on voicing feelings, communicate daily, resist arguments and fight
Stand up for myself, politely


Eating out of control

Follow intuitive eating (simply eat when hungry, stop when comfortable)
Eat clean food, drink lots of water
Curb emotional eating by blogging thoughts, feelings, doubts, etc about whatever comes up


Not enough hard sweaty exercise

Exercise 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes, make an effort to work up a sweat

Not enough sleep

Go to bed by 11 p.m., pretty much every night.

Housework out of control

Print chores to-do list. Complete 90% of the daily & weekly chores every day.

Not enough income

Daycare, create daycare enrollment
~Food Program
~~~~~Sign up online
~~~~~Make menus
~~~~~Forms for income verification

~Subsidy Program
~~~~~Mail in sign up forms & contract

~New Enrollments
~~~~~Business Cards
~~~~~4 x 6 postcards

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