Thursday, November 6, 2008



We had a wonderful Halloween here. The weather was nice, we were among good friends and there was a small amount of candy to deal with the next day.

In the days leading up to Halloween, Ethan was less than excited about wearing his costume. The family was shopping and Ethan had picked out a skeleton costume. When we got home he would not put it on. I'm not sure what the problem was, maybe it was uncomfortable in some way, but he was not having it. I almost returned it. Upon his request, nonetheless... "Momma, you take this back to the store, I'm *NOT* being the skeleton..." So it hung in his closet with the receipt safety pinned until Halloween morning.

In the meantime, Grandma Barb visited and we found some very cute plushy vest costumes at Costco. We bought Ethan an alligator. He seemed less resistant to that - so I sewed him some yellow and green pants to wear with it and bought a white shirt to go under it.

Fast forward to Halloween morning, we were planning to attend a Halloween Party at Ethan's Preschool. Unfortunately, the vest was WAAAAAAAAAAAY too small for him. It was like a belly shirt small... except it was a belly vest. Umm, oops.

So, Ian worked some magic and got Ethan to try on the skeleton costume again. (Which is the picture above) Ethan, however wanted it off just as soon as we snapped a couple of pictures and so we skipped the preschool party and headed out to run some errands. To Target, of course. At Target, there were several kids dressed up with their parents, and I was able to explain that costume + saying "trick-or-treat" = candy. And Voila! Now every morning Ethan asks if he can "be the skeleton" again.

Later that night we dressed both kids in their costumes, and went to a Trunk-or-Treat. We had a great time. We were with friends, so hopefully we can scrounge a picture of both our kids in costumes... otherwise, I'm going to have buy more candy so that Ethan can be the skeleton again and Emma can show off her adorable ladybug costume.
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1 comment:

  1. Hey Cous,
    I took a look at your Etsy site and I love your stuff. I think I must be the only lady in the Stuermer clan who can't really sew, or maybe I take after my mom and am just better at gluing and pinning stuff together ad hoc.

    I also love that you have a blog. The halloween costume story was hilarious for me, probably because I don't have kids.

    Anyway, it was good checking in on you,
